Sunday, January 25, 2009

Stunt Kids!!

This afternoon Dan and the kids and I went outside for some fresh air and exercise. Luke and Kylie were riding there bikes. Yes, Luke is now riding his bike without training wheels! Yes, It is quite scary. Mind you he has been doing this for about 3 days now! This afternoon he stood up while pedaling! He cracks me up, when he gets into his turning; he turns on a dime!

Well, as they were riding Dan and I were standing in the street, and Kylie rode onto the sidewalk. Right after turning on the sidewalk, she slowly falls over and lands tummy side down in the grass. Laughing she gets up!! Then after seeing that it made Dan and I laugh, she must have done 4 more stunt moves off of her bike. One of the best ones, was as our neighbor boy came riding by... she jumped off of her bike and rolled in the grass. And of course, he doesn't stop! It was hilarious. Then to top off the evening, Luke rides by Dan and I and falls off of his bike too, about 5 second before Kylie crashes as well. Landing about 4 feet apart from each other. Our neighbor at that time is walking towards his house, and laughs saying something about stunt man moves huh? Dan and I were laughing hard, it was great!

I will try to get some pictures of there awesome moves soon.

Monday, January 12, 2009


She was silly, she loved to watch TV and chase the ducks and dogs on it. She would bark at every delivery truck that went by our house. She would love it when someone rang our door bell. She greeted you, every single time with excitement. Bailey would turn her head as to seem like she understood you talking to her, especially when you said, "treat, Abby, doggie day care, and bye bye". She had a love hate relationship with motorcycles. We would pray that we wouldn't see one when we would drive to Wimberley. It never failed, if they were a half a mile in front of us, she would see them. Well, sounds silly to be missing a dog, but I do. We had to say good bye to Bailey of nine years on Saturday night at 10 pm. She laid down about 4:30pm, by the back door, as to say I'm ready to go. She never went back into the house. The hosue is quite now, no barking, no wagging tail thumping on the ground, and no animal vaccum cleaner. Nothing is carring around socks and shoes into differnet rooms. Life is fun, enjoy your family!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

We have a photographer in the house!

I know, I know! Two blogs in one night!!! I was looking at some pictures, and just started laughing. We let Kylie use a camera this past summer and last few months. I was looking at the pictures and want to share them with you. Actually it is really neat to see life from her view! I hope you enjoy! :)

Number 3

As most of you know Dan and I are expecting our 3rd child in June!! I can't wait to hopefully find out what it is. Boy or girl? John Deere Tractor Boy... or .... :) Luke said earlier that if it was a boy that he wanted to name it John Deere Tractor Boy. I think he has now changed his mind. The kids are excited about our new family member! I go to my doctor on February 2nd! So, I'll keep you posted. Hopefully I will update my blog more often in 2009. I know Tara has stopped asking me about my blog, she has probably given up on me. :)
Have a wonderful weekend, all!