Thursday, August 14, 2008

Take time!

I sit here writing my first blog ever. So, hang in their. I just found out that on of my old neighbor is carrying her 3rd child, they found out that the baby boy has Trisomy 18. This is a genetic disorder, which there are 3 pieces of chromosome 18, and there should only be 2 of them. The average life span is less than a year. She is going to have a C-section in a couple of weeks. She made blog that just shows how her strength is from the Lord. After hearing that and seeing one of my friend blogs as well tonight, and how she played in the rain with her oldest the other day. It made me cry thinking about taking time. We need to take time with our family. Play in the rain. Kylie asked me the other day if she could go play in the rain, and I said no. Next time it rains, we are going to go out there and have fun! Kylie and Luke are true blessing from the Lord. They make me laugh, with their funny comments. I want to truly focus on what God has given me and I am thankful for my blessings. I seem to get teary eyed every time I read my friend's blog, she is truly an amazing friend and I am learning a lot from her.

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The Second is this:"Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these" Mark 12:30-31

1 comment:

Tara Powell said...

Hey...came across your blog today from the Barrons. I will keep your neighbor in my prayers. They thought Cade had trisomy 18.....oh my heart hurts for her.